Adam Bridgland

UK, 2021
Bentlage is hugely significant in my development as an artist.  My visit in September 2011 was my first international exhibition and residency.  It gave me the opportunity, the time and the confidence to make new work in the fantastic studios and display my work to a new audience.  Working with four other invited artists meant that there was a real community when we stayed and we could bounce ideas off each other when it came to creating the final print work for the collection.  Two of these artists have since become good friends and we have continued to work and exhibit together.
The Bentlage residency was a unique experience, to share in each other’s work and development.  I have not encountered this in any of the other opportunities I have completed in the ten years since my stay.  A special thank you must go out to Knut, who has become a good friend too since my time in Germany and also Martin too, who was incredibly encouraging throughout the residency.  I hope I can return to Bentlage in the near future and continue working in the wonderful setting and studio that has helped many artists.